Ceavccageađge / Mortensnes
Ceavccageaðge/Mortensnes Cultural Heritage Area is one of the richest and most distinctive areas of ancient monuments in Scandinavia. Within a limited area central aspects of Sámi prehistory and history are visible as cultural remains in the landscape. The site is particularly distinguished for the considerable length of time it has been inhabited and used, and the large number and variety of ancient monuments.
The monuments can be roughly divided into two main groups: traces of settlements and religious practices. The first group consists of remains of campsites, turf houses and other dwellings. There is a continous line of settlement through 10.000 years.
The other main group of ancient monuments is connected with ceremonies and burial practices. In this group we find sacrificial sites and burial sites. In Sámi the place is named after one of the offering stones: Ceavccageaðge. In English the name of the stone will be “Fish Oil Stone” (stone where fish oil was offered).
In the flagstone scree along the shore nearly 300 graves can be found. This burial site has been used from about 400 B.C. up to the 17th century when the Christianisation of the Sami in Varanger began.
The museum building contains an exhibition about Sami faith and mythologi, a small museum shop and a café selling coffee, tea and waffles. Free entrance.
Digital walk through the cultural history of the Mortensnes cultural heritage site: https://mortensneskulturminner.no/index-en.html
Guiding can be arranged. Contact the museum for information and prices:
(+47) 41 07 00 50 / email: vsm-info@dvmv.no